March 15 — Louisville Business First reporter discusses trends in the bourbon and beer industries.

Ever see the movie “Wayne’s World”?

There’s a scene in which the late actor Chris Farley plays a security guard who nonchalantly gives the main characters — Wayne and Garth — copious details about another key figure in the movie.

It seemed like minutiae when the security guard shared these details. And after the scene, Wayne looks into the camera and says: “He had an awful lot of information, don’t you think?”

But later, all of the information turns out to be super helpful. (Sorry for the 24-year-old movie spoilers.)

Right now, I’m that security guard and you’re Wayne — or Garth, if that’s a better fit.

I’ve got details on this week’s Bourbon Beat about Michter’s new distillery, Brown-Forman Corp. selling Southern Comfort and Woodford Reserve’s new Kentucky Derby bottle. And if movies have taught me anything, it’s that all this knowledge is going to become super useful to you following an unforeseen plot twist.

So by all means, check out the attached video to get up to date on the latest news in Kentucky’s distilling industry.

And please … Party on, Wayne.

David A. Mann covers these beats: Restaurants, beverage industry, manufacturing, distribution/logistics, unions.
